What better way to start the Christmas weekend than a beautiful communion service!! Josh, Ed and I attended along with our MUMC family (and some extended Herring family that came from out of town). I love that service. Then it was home to a wonderful gumbo supper prepared for us by a friend who has done that for several years. (Thanks, George!! It was wonderful!!) Josh wasn't going to be with us today so he opened his gifts.

I found what I think will be his favorite gift under the tree when all the gifts had been opened!! Sure hope he comes by here soon.
Church today was very good. We had Jody, Tiffany, and all the Cowarts. What better place to be on Christmas Day!! Then off to the homestead to finish up lunch for 2:00 pm. It was delicious even if I did cook it!!
We have a tradition that the kids move the table back when they finish eating and arrange the chairs in a semi-circle. I was finishing my dessert and Tiffany told me that they had moved the table and gotten ready. She said I'd better hurry up or they were starting without me! You can't start without Nana--she's Mrs. Santa!!! :) We sang "Happy Birthday Jesus" and began opening the gifts. They are older now and actually held off wanting to rip everything apart!! We did it one person at a time. 
Sam got the hoodie he wanted!!

Everybody got a set of 1500 threadcount sheets. I don't know who was the most excited!!
Boots and More gift certificates.

Jody and Tiffany are going to have to take a trip to Jackson!! The girls got "Mall" cards!!

Graham and Ryan picked out hunting clothes and Haleigh picked out dishes. All were happy!!

Ben had chosen boots and I actually could find his size. He loved them. I told him if I ever saw them in his yard, Papa and I would buy no more!!

Tiffany asked for Tervis Tumblers and threatened anyone who removed them from the house!! As in, she better not find them at the office!! :)
Shelby wouldn't ever tell me what she wanted. Tiffany knew she wanted some Oakleys and she knew there was a website where you could design your own. We designed her glasses and she was sooooo surprised. They even have her name etched in the lens. No one will get these!!
This was my favorite gift!! Sam didn't know he was getting these. He asked for a specific hoodie and pants. I saw these when I was ordering something for Ed and we both said "yes" the minute we saw them!! Sam said, "I look like an old man." But he loved them. They are insulated so he can hunt in them too. Just so darn cute!! 
We gave Abby (our niece) luggage. She liked it!!

We gave Tom and Shirlee a Keurig Coffee Pot. I don't even drink coffee and I love that thing!!

Jody got a custom made Dopp Kit with his initials debossed on it. He said he needed it. Hope he likes it
I guess Shelly can go to Boots and More with the Herrings.
The Cowarts knew just what I wanted--a Shark Steam Mop!! Now I can clean up after the dogs!! Somehow we missed Jennifer opening her SECOND Kindle Fire!!
Papa got a wonderful Pen and Pencil set.

With his crayon maker. I think I want to do this with him.
Everyone was much too good to me. Papa was so sweet and gave me beautiful things. The children gave me loving gifts; some of them were handmade which I love. We enjoyed the day with family. It's sad not to have little ones but it's fun with older kids too! Merry Christmas Cotton Branch Gang!!
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