It's always fun when the "Scrapping Sisters" get together. We usually go to an organized crop and meet up to scrapbook for a weekend. This particular trip was organized by one of our own at a beautiful lodge on a lake deep in the woods. We had eight of the "sisters" and three guests. From the look of the room you would have thought it was a huge event. The only thing lacking was venders!! :) BUT--I'm sure any of us could have come up with enough stuff to cover that!! In this picture everyone wasn't even set up!! Scrapbookers do love their stuff!! We carried our food and took turns fixing meals. That wasn't a problem for any of us and the food was wonderful. Another thing scrappers love to do is eat!! This particular night Pat fixed tomato bisque, tomato tarts and homemade bread. There were several cakes and goodies to share as well. Let's just say that no one went hungry. We had no agenda, no directions and no bedtime. Some people stayed up late and some went to bed early. It was so laid back. Saturday we took time to have pictures made. For scrapbookers, pictures are always important!!
This is one of the cabins where a few of the girls stayed and the right is the lodge. We had bunk beds upstairs and the big room downstairs, a great kitchen and serving area with plenty of room---and quiet!!! Three of the original Scrapping Sisters--me, Pat, and Libby (in purple) with our guest Charlotte. We are all four cancer survivors!! Some of us got a little crazy with our polish and flip flops!! How fun!!
It's amazing how different Libby and I look now that we've lost our hair and gotten it back. We used to look like twins and our hair came back so different. Hers is black and mine is totally white. What a sense of humor God has. But he loves us enough to let us survive!! The girls in the other picture are going to kill me!! When I saw the picture my first thought was, "does walking up this hill make my butt look big?" I love you girls!! This reminds me of a verse I used on the calendar for this year from the book of Matthew. "Sit here while I go over there and pray." I'm sure in our own time and in our own way, we each had our time with God on this trip. We were in the perfect place to share God's blessings. Thanks, Susan and Debbie for arranging this weekend for us.
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