Ryan called last night to tell me to get my camera. If you are "faint of heart" now is the time to "turn her off" and go read somebody elses blog. Since hardly anybody else blogs you might as well just keep on reading and then say, "gross" and move on!! :) If it can be caught, trapped or killed, Ryan does it. It's a farm thing and a wildlife management thing. He doesn't kill for fun. The animals he kills usually kill our turkeys, quail or baby deer or damage the fields. He is very agriculturally trained. He respects the land. This is what he brought to show us that he'd caught on Haileigh's grandfather's land--
This 130 pound female hog got caught in a snare around her nose. The snare was caught between her two huge teeth. You can see the ring around her nose in the left picture. Those are the teeth in the right picture. These animals have no natural predators and will ruin your fields and can hurt you badly. Some folks down the road will have some "good eatin' " and we won't have to worry about her making it to Cotton Branch!! Good job, Ryan!!
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