I've been told that time moves faster the older you get. I believe it. The only time I sit down seems to be for choir practice or to sleep and honestly I can't remember what I'm doing the rest of the time. Got the church bazaar down and went to the scrapbook weekend. The next week was spent doing dr.visits--checked out ok for those of you out of town!! Been doing some online Christmas shopping and have done some work at the school for the fourth grade so that they can have some raised beds to garden. I'll spend this week getting ready for Thanksgiving--not expecting a big crowd but will enjoy those who come. Sam's autographed picture of Drew Brees
that I scrapbooked and framed for him. Sorry it's so small; I made the picture with my phone.
Have decided that I might want to open a booth at the local craft store, The Toad House. I've had so much fun making bazaar things that I might enjoy doing it for a while. Ed says I should have it up and going now to get "those Christmas sales" but I don't want to be rushed. If it's meant to be, it will happen. I love my new embroidery machine and I've developed a new relationship with my sewing machine and serger. I see painting in my future. I'm leaving some of the old hobbies behind and picking up new ones. Could this be an after midlife crisis?? :)
These are the towel wraps I've been making.
I came away from Handworks with all kinds of ideas.
Deer season opened this weekend and I'll have plenty of time for crafting. Have a happy Thanksgiving and I'll post the turkey!!
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