I drove up in time to go with Ed to put some algae killer in the pond. You know how one thing leads to another and we ended up chasing a cow and calf and then moving the cows to the clover field. Ryan had spotted "Ali" and I wanted to try to see her. While Ed was spreading the algae killer I took a few shots with the camera. The funniest shots would have been us chasing the cows but I was too busy trying to drive the ranger or hang on. Never a dull moment around here. These are some of the shots I took. Yellow tops as the guys call them aren't good for anything but a field of them is very pretty. Here is a close up.
I looked down and saw this beautiful blue dragonfly right by the ranger. It just sat there while I took its picture.
Sadie enjoyed her ride; especially when she took a flying leap out of the ranger after a quail. Thank goodness the quail was faster than she was.
We rode by the pond where Ryan had spotted Ali. In case you don't remember, Ali is an alligator that was turned loose several years ago when she was about three feet long by a Wildlife Biologist. She had been lying on the bank when he saw her. Today we only saw her head in the water--but I saw her. I know she's there!!
If you look close you can tell that she's about eight feet long now. I don't want to run into her on the road! After the ride home, we watered the garden and came in to cereal and fresh strawberries. Survivor was the highlight of the night. Sadie is sacked out on the bed and we're not far behind. All in all--a good day.
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