Diana, at Kudzu and Coal Dust gave me two awards today that required only for me to answer some questions. The first four concerned friendship.
1. Do you have the same friends since childhood? Several
2. What do you value most about your friends? Their loyalty and ability to take me just like I am.
3. Are your friends sounding boards? Most of them.
4. What is your favorite activity to do with your friends? Shopping at Target, eating at Zaxby's and BYB and going to Hobby Lobby!!
The others concerned things I value and don't value.
Six things I value:
1. My faith-I couldn't have made it this far without it.
2. My husband-he has been there for me when I needed him.
3. My family-they are there whenever I need them.
4. My friends-no one has friends like I do; they are the best.
5. My church family-they have become my family.
6. I agree with Diana-angels-seen and unseen.
Six things I don't value:
1. People who lie, cheat and steal.
2. Disloyalty.
3. People who aren't "real".
4. When good people aren't treated fairly.
5. "One call, that's all" lawyers!!
6. Politicians who get away with evil.
Well, that was easy. Thanks, Diana! I'll pass it along to Jennifer,
Tiffany, & Stephenie.
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