This little raccoon has been eating all my cat food. He was (and I repeat--was) nice and fat! I caught him Sunday morning in my trap and someone came and got him. He won't be eating any more cat food.
Today when Ed came in we did our usual "ride around" the farm to check on the bees, check out the wild life and plots. Abby and Ryan rode with us. We were laughing and talking and all of a sudden Abby said, "Ya'll must be country or something." I asked her why. She said, "well, you ride around talking about tractors and bees and look around in the woods. That's what country people do." We laughed and Ed said, "yeah, then I guess we're country cause that's sure what we do." We saw lots of birds and deer and wildflowers and you don't see that on city streets. We're safe and God is evident everywhere. Thank God I'm a country girl!
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