Remember the commercial where the little guy sings, "Got my car fixed, got my tail light, so on and so on...Well, today I got my shower, got my hair cut (remember the glue incident?) ate my lunch and have played with my camera and computer all afternoon. I am totally worthless today!! Photo Buffet has inspired me to try to take better pictures. Here are some of the efforts. The lantana is the hot orange and yellow. Of course the beautiful blue morning glory and the dew kissed vinca are sweet. Do you recognize the Guara? A simple yellow Zinnia reminds me of my grandmother. The Calla Lily is a favorite of Edith Cooley's and I never look at one that I don't think of her.
You may get bored with my efforts but I'm going to keep trying.
FYI: I went by the vets office today. Here is an update on the Century Plant. The next time I go I will take my telephoto lens so you can see it close up. That thing is weird. Can you see the "arms" sticking out? It's going to have tiny blooms all over it. Look it up in the internet.
Life is Good! Happy Day!
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