This past week was Youth Week for deer hunting. With nine grandchildren that all love to hunt this place was a "terminal" deer camp!! Everybody but Bryden and Sam got one; Bryden missed his, but he'll get it next time and Sam, well---he's only three. Ben has just begun to shoot his gun and he's dead on! I'm glad I got his picture. Those sparkling blue eyes don't begin to tell you how happy he was about his deer. A nice little six point for a first deer is a good thing.
Graham's deer was hit but ran on him. Papa found it the next day. You'll have to ask them for their story. It's a humdinger. They even called in the dogs to sniff it out. Any grown man would be proud of that perfect heavy horned eight point. Ask Papa!!
Opening Day was Saturday. Papa went and stayed for about 30 minutes. Jody went that afternoon to the same stand. He got a ten point with awesome brow tines. Score:Papa-0:Jody-1 Same song, different verse. Dogs called in--bugger barked!!
Check out Tiffany's blog for pictures of Emily, Abbey and Hayden with their trophies. She's already got them blogged.
Way to go Camp Cotten Branch!
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