Growing violets may not be a great accomplishment to you, but for me these are wonderful.
My mother and Ed always say something like, "Who had a death wish for that plant?", or "I wonder how long it will take you to kill that one!" And it was usually true. My mother was a great African Violet grower. She had lots and they were beautiful. She would let me "borrow" them and when they'd almost be dead, I'd take them back to her and swap them for more. Her patience with me and violets was more than should have been. The one on the left is a trailing violet given to me by Joyce Robinson who came here when Katrina hit New Orleans. She stayed at MUMC and then at Mom's house for a while. I've had it almost a year!!! The one with the purple blooms is one that I won at bridge. I have NOT killed it. The small one in the little pot in front has a couple of buds on it. It just keeps blooming and blooming. It's pink. So I don't jinx myself, I will just say. . .I think I can grow violets!!
Jennifer and Ryan have mono. I've been trying hard not to let this get me down---I don't like for my children and grandchildren to be sick. This is Jennifer's second time (she had it in high school.) Ryan has had it all summer (now that we KNOW he has it, we look back and recognize the symptoms and all feel like *&%@ for not seeing it). I'm praying that they both heal quickly. Jennifer has a new job at the school and Ryan is starting high school. Jennifer's favorite Bible verse is Phil. 4:13---right now it sounds pretty good to me too.
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